Parish Council

Notes from Parish Council meeting 7th Oct 2014

Present – Cllrs Austin, Chudley, Coysh, Hawes, Jones and Pollard
Karen Gilbert, Clerk and 4 Parishioners

Security. Cllr Jones advised that the majority of those who responded were against Security cameras in the village (9:4). Cllr Hawes had also received responses expressing concern. This matter will proceed no further.
Beating the Bounds. Cllr Jones advised that a working group has been formed to organise beating of the Parish Bounds. This will be carried out in 3 stages in 3 consecutive years starting with the Lustleigh boundary on 23/5/15 to coincide with Lustleigh Parishioners’ beating their bounds. Restoration of the parapet of Dickford Bridge to include a new boundary stone is being discussed with Lustleigh PC.
Flooding in the vicinity of Bovey Bridge at Black Aller was discussed at length. A letter to Devon County had resulted in an unsatisfactory response, so the Clerk and Chair will prepare a further letter to advise both DCC and TDC that the problems remain.
Finance. £404.80 (220 pop x £1.84 per head) is available through the Elector Fund organised jointly by DCC and TDC. Ideally, this money should fund a joint project with at least one other PC. Suggestions are invited & will be discussed at the Dec meeting.
Moreton Hospital Hub. Cllr Hawes advised that progress was being made with new signs in place and a new website . He detailed the services that were already in place and those which it was hoped would be included in the future.
Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 are now in force. Parish and town council meetings can now be recorded and/or filmed.
The Clerk’s email account with BT has ceased to function. She will source an alternative email address. In the meantime the Clerk may be contacted on
Rights of way. Footpath 6 at Higher Lettaford. A diversion order will be raised to alter the route shown on the definitive map to that shown on the current Permissive path.
Highways. Cllr Jones attended the Highways workshop. Discussion included the current financial constraints on Devon Highways and the proposed self-help programme for Parish Councils regarding Highway maintenance. The Parish Council agreed to register for this scheme and ask for volunteers for Road Warden.
• There are current online consultations on the Highways and cycling on Dartmoor. Cllrs Pollard, Hawes, Austin and Jones will form a working party to look at these issues.
Best Kept Village competition feedback to be made public.
Ponies, including a stallion have been causing problems on the roads and round the Village. The best course of action is for Parishioners to contact the Police on 101

Next meeting December 2nd

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