Manaton Makers
Profits from refreshments served each day will be in aid of various charities, as advertised on the day, including Rowcroft Hospice, Action Duchenne, St Winifred’s Church and Manaton Parish Hall funds. www.manatonmakers.org
Dawlish Air Show 22nd August 2015
Typhoon and Vulcan fantastic and noisy
Free the Thornberry One!
This fancy bird feeder may thwart the squirrels but it has a major design flaw! Modifications required.
Ello ‘ello ‘ello
Please phone us with any information on 101 or e-mail general.enquiries@devonandcornwall.pnn.police.uk. Residents are receiving phone calls from abroad, in particular, India, reference the owners computers needing urgent repair and that they need to accept software on their computer called Team Viewer which gives the caller remote access to control the computer. They are targeting elderly residents and requesting bank transfers in the region of £9500 to fix the problem and only when the money has been transferred. Local banks have stated that the fraudsters are aware that anything under £10,000 will not be raised as an issue by the bank. The callers purport to be calling from Micro Tech in…
Just in time.
Hay £2 a bale off the field. Contact Fiona Chudley or left a message on here.
Making Hay While the Sun Shines.
Or tries too!
Evil beastie
Found this on a wall in our garden. Elephant Hawk Moth caterpillar – 7cm – yes! – 7cm long and 1cm fat. Eek!
Final Fair Accounts
With Gordon Hurst’s (Fair Chair) thanks to everyone involved!
August 2015 meeting of the North Bovey Parish Council
The August meeting of the North Bovey Parish Council will be held on Tuesday the 4th of August 2015 at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall in North Bovey. All members are summoned to attend. Press and members of the Public are most welcome. Agenda: Apologies Parishioners Forum Declaration of interest – Members are invited to declare any personal or prejudicial interest relating to any agenda item at this stage, but may also do so at any time during the Meeting, should they become aware that they may have an interest in the item being discussed To consider, amend as agreed by the Council and approve the Minutes of…
Parish Council Minutes
The minutes for the Parish Council will appear in the Parish Council Minutes category in date order (most recent at the top). For all other Parish Council documentation, please click on Parish Council in the categories to the right of the screen. Anyone requiring a paper copy, and unable to print their own, can contact the Parish Clerk, Karen Gilbert on: email: Karen@jollylane.net or phone: (01364) 631031