Ring of Bells Progress, (Thursday 24th August)
A few more images showing progress of the re-building from Thursday morning .
Teignbridge composting bin details
Please see attached poster for details
Draft Parish Council minutes – 8th August 2017
The Draft minutes from the North Bovey Parish Council meeting on the 8th August 2017 are attached as a PDF file below (click on writing in blue at bottom of post). A paper copy will also be displayed on the Parish Council Notice board on the Parish Hall. The Parish Clerk, Karen Gilbert, can be contacted on: email: Karen@jollylane.net or phone: (01364) 631031 08-17.pages-1
Planning site visit minutes – Cherrywood Cottage, North Bovey
Please see below for the minutes of the site meeting on 12th August 2017 at Cherrywood Cottage: planning site 12-8-17.pages
2017 North Bovey Fair Results
In total we raised £4,191.17 which compares to £4,696.04 last year. This really is an exceptional result given the horrendous weather we all had to contend with. Last year was a record in itself and this years result is still the second best ever. A huge thank you to everybody that helped, no matter how big or small. It’s the collective effort on these things that really make them work…….and we made it work.
Ring of Bells Re-build – photos as at end-July
Photos from end-July.
Fake speeding fines. Beware!
This is a message sent via Devon and Cornwall Alert. This information has been sent on behalf of Devon and Cornwall Police (Please do not reply or forward this email directly; please use the Reply, Share buttons at the bottom of this message) Message sent by Linzi Berryman (Police, Community Messaging Officer, Devon and Cornwall) We have received a report from a business in Exeter that they have received an email which is a bogus ‘speeding fine’ email purporting to be from the Police. We do not know the intentions of this email but advise that they are deleted. Please pass this information on and put this information on…
Planning site meeting – Cherrywood Cottage, North Bovey
A site meeting will be held on Saturday 12th August 2017 at 9am to discuss the recent planning application concerning Cherrywood Cottage, North Bovey. Planning Application numbers 0380/17 and 0381/17 For further planning details please add the application number(s) http://www.dartmoor.gov.uk/planning/planning-application-search