• Conservation Group,  Uncategorised

    North Bovey Conservation Group AGM Tuesday 24th March 2020

    North Bovey Conservation Group AGM 7:30 pm Tuesday 24th March 2020 Parish Hall All welcome Agenda 1) Apologies 2) Approval of Minutes of 2019 AGM 3) Matters arising 4) Election of Officers • Treasurer • Project organiser • Secretary 5) Secretary’s report • Insurance • Membership 6) Treasurer’s report 7) Project organiser’s report 8) Sub-group leaders reports Craft Club Dark Skies project 9) PR and fund-raising • DNPA volunteer network • MTMTE • DNPA communities fund • Village Fair 10) New projects For further information contact NBCG secretary: Hazel Jones hazelajones@gmail.com or 01647 440143 Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the North Bovey Conservation group held on 20th March…

  • North Bovey Belles WI

    North Bovey Belles W.I.

    Tina McGahey was the guest speaker at this week’s North Bovey Belles W.I. meeting. She came to talk to us about an unmentionable problem –  it is surprising the percentage of ladies from the age of 20 who have some sort of incontinence. Tina came to help us sort it out and offer advice if it persists.  She brought along with her a model of our pelvis and our various muscles so that we could see for ourselves what it looks like inside our bodies. She very cross with recent adverts on tv saying that stress incontinence and the occasional leak is ok.  As a physiotherapist specialising in this field, she knows that…

  • North Bovey Belles WI

    North Bovey Belles W.I.

    Join us on Thursday at 7.30pm for this month’s W.I. meeting in the Parish Hall. This month’s speaker is Tina McGahey, a physiotherapist who is going to give us an amusing take on “Women in Control – mop it or stop it” – the common problem of incontinence. We are invited to put any questions in a box for her to answer. After the meeting we will have our usual refreshments. New members always welcome. Ring Nicki for any further information 07506 461191.