Conservation Group

Minutes of Previous Meeting – North Bovey Conservation Group AGM 24/04/23

Minutes of AGM of North Bovey Conservation Group held on 24/04/2023


Apologies: Kevin Grist, Jean Grist, Caroline Hart, Chris Hart


Present: Hazel Jones (coordinator/project organiser) Mel Wright (treasurer) Susan Morris (secretary), John Adamson, John Clark, Lawrence Shorthouse, Ed Pollard, Julie Pollard, Lindsey Wright, Sarah Shorthouse, John Weir, Margaret Weir.


Minutes of the last meeting: Circulated, approved and signed.


Matters arising: None


Election of officers: coordinator/project organiser: Hazel Jones, treasurer: Mel Wright, secretary: Susan Morris re-elected unopposed.


Coordinator project organiser report:

The group had 15 active members this year down from 25 in 2022. Volunteer hours increased to 925.

Projects included:

removal of Himalayan Balsam along river between Bovey Bridge and Bovey Castle also at Kendon with help from Dartmoor Junior Rangers. ,

leaf collection on the green,

riverfly surveys at Luckdon and Bovey Castle,

butterfly conservation surveys at Langaford, Puddaven, Kendon, and Vogwell North,

a walk at Langaford for the U3A,

planting of wildflowers at Pound Rock,

removal of barbed wire fence from Bovey Bridge towards Bovey Castle to widen the river path (a new fence erected by BC staff) so that the water meadow can be grazed,

a Christmas market with WI teas and tombola that raised £1058.

Stars for Xmas tree fabricated and sold for Homeless in Teignbridge (HITS) – a donation of £122.75


SM and HJ are starting river surveys for West Country CSI relating to water quality.

HJ and SM attended a meeting of the River Teign Restoration Project. There is concern about the decline of the river with very few salmon. Report:


Lawrence Shorthouse and John Clark are qualified for brushcutting (JC supervision only)

John Maule and John Clark are chapter 8 registered.

Hazel Jones and John Clark are registered for use of pesticides.


Treasurer report: MW the report was circulated, read and filed. A card reader connected to MWs phone  is available for payment at events. (charges 1.69% of revenue).


Secretary Report: SM Insurance renewed with Zurich which gives sufficient coverage for all we do. A reminder that a risk assessment must be done for all activities and participants must sign in and out. There is a separate highways risk assessment for pothole work.


AOB:  All are welcome to DNPA volunteer network meeting dates are online. 2 members and HJ will attend the Local History meeting on 17/06/2023. There is a possibility to do some test pits in the woods and at Cleave Mill, Bovey Castle.

The craft market was a success.

There were 3 nests in the swift boxes but information is not available for the church tower. This is an increase on the previous year.

Our skies do not seem to be as dark as they were. Could an Autumn survey be done.


Possible future projects: meadow flowers, moth trapping and bat surveys ( the latter seem to be declining). All suggestions for future projects welcome.


Meeting ended at 7:45pm.

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