North Bovey Belles WI

That’s Magic at North Bovey Belles WI

How do you cut the magician’s rope in various places and yet it still stays in one piece? How do you stick a knife right through the middle of the spoon head (inside a yellow bag) and it turns into a fork?  How did we play noughts and crosses in such a random way and yet our WI logo came out together in the right format?  It’s magic! Wayne Trice entertained us in the December meeting of the North Bovey Belles WI meeting with a natural sense of humour and slight of hand.

Wayne has been interested in magic from the age of 8, watching The Five Minute Magic Show on TV and reading lots of books.  Then at the age of 13 he was thrilled to join “The Demon Club” at the Davenports Magic Shop where he learned to do more tricks.  After taking redundancy from his job with the bank, he now teaches children and adults.

Then it was our turn.  All the members learnt how to impress our children or grandchildren this Christmas with jumping elastic bands and a card trick.  It’s easy when you know how!

Wayne’s last trick of the evening was the “one” that got him hooked at the age of 8 and it took him 20 years to find out how to do it – tearing up a newspaper into bits, crushing the edges back together again and opening out the newspaper whole without a tear.  An impressive end to a fun evening.

Our next meeting is on January 14th again on Zoom because of the Covid restrictions.  Do contact one of the committee members if you are having difficulty getting online with zoom and we will help as much as we can.

Contact us on or Sue on 07919 623559.


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