Safari Supper
Dartmoor’s Ancient Tracks – free talk by Emma Cunis – at North Bovey’s Annual Parish Meeting on Monday 13th May at 7.30pm
North Bovey’s Annual Parish Meeting welcomes Emma Cunis, presenting an illustrated talk on ‘Dartmoor’s Ancient Tracks’ on Monday 13th May at 7.30pm in North Bovey Parish Hall And it’s free for all our parishioners in North Bovey! Eric Hemery, Dartmoor’s leading writer, once professed “the ancient tracks serve Dartmoor as do the blood-vessels the body – arteries conducting the lifeblood of its topographical history”. He was of course referring to the key routes on Dartmoor that offered safe passage through the ages for farmers, merchants, peat cutters, tinners, monks, sailors, the dead and more. These routes crossed fields, lanes and the high moor and enabled travellers to pass from place…
North Bovey Parish Council – site planning meeting at 10.30am Saturday 13th April 2024
NORTH BOVEY PARISH COUNCIL Notice of site planning meeting 10.30 am Saturday 13th April 2024 DNP ref: 0133/24 Sunnyside, North Bovey TQ13 8QZ All members of the Council are summoned to attend to consider the planning applications from Dartmoor National Park Mary Wylie, Clerk to North Bovey Parish Council Tel: 01647 221270 Email: wylie.christow@mail.com AGENDA To receive and approve apologies for absence. Declaration of interest To consider the application as forwarded by the Chairman.
Meeting Agenda 25/04/24 – North Bovey Conservation Group AGM
North Bovey Conservation Group AGM 7:00 pm Thursday 25th April 2024 Parish Hall All welcome Agenda 1) Apologies 2) Approval of Minutes of 2023 AGM 3) Matters arising 4) Election of Officers Treasurer Project organiser Secretary 5) Secretary’s report 6) Treasurer’s report 7) Project organiser’s report 8) PR and fund-raising DNPA volunteer network 10) New projects For further information contact NBCG secretary: Susan Morris devsue_vii@hotmail.com or 01647 441585
Minutes of Previous Meeting – North Bovey Conservation Group AGM 24/04/23
Minutes of AGM of North Bovey Conservation Group held on 24/04/2023 Apologies: Kevin Grist, Jean Grist, Caroline Hart, Chris Hart Present: Hazel Jones (coordinator/project organiser) Mel Wright (treasurer) Susan Morris (secretary), John Adamson, John Clark, Lawrence Shorthouse, Ed Pollard, Julie Pollard, Lindsey Wright, Sarah Shorthouse, John Weir, Margaret Weir. Minutes of the last meeting: Circulated, approved and signed. Matters arising: None Election of officers: coordinator/project organiser: Hazel Jones, treasurer: Mel Wright, secretary: Susan Morris re-elected unopposed. Coordinator project organiser report: The group had 15 active members this year down from 25 in 2022. Volunteer hours increased to 925. Projects included: removal of Himalayan Balsam…
Minutes of a Meeting of North Bovey Parish Council held at 7.30pm on 13th February 2024
Meeting of a Meeting of North Bovey Parish Council held at 7.30pm on 13th February 2024 Present: Cllrs: E Pollard (Chairman), J Jones, M Jones, S Loughton In attendance: M Wylie (Clerk) AGENDA ITEM Action ITEM 1 – Chairman’s Welcome 1.1 The Chairman welcomed Councillors to the meeting EP ITEM 2 – Apologies for absence 2.1 Cllrs Button, Grist and Ilett sent apologies ITEM 3 – Public Participation 3.1 None ITEM 4 – County & District Councillors’ Reports 4.1 None present. 4.2 The Clerk to request reports from the Councillors if not attending. Clerk ITEM 5 – To approve minutes of previous meeting 5.1 The minutes of the…
North Bovey Parish Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday 9th April 2024 at 6.00pm
All members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving the business to be transacted at the meeting as set out below. Members of the press and public are welcome to attend the meeting. Mary Wylie, Clerk to North Bovey Parish Council, Deal Hayne, Manaton TQ13 9UF Tel: 01647 221270 Email:wylie.christow@mail.com 1. The Chairman welcomes the Councillors to the meeting. 2. To receive and approve apologies for absence. 3. Public Participation. To allow Parishioners to address the meeting. 4. County and District Councillors to report to the meeting. 5. To approve the minutes from February 2024 6. Matters arising. 7. To receive…
New Wildlife Warden for Teignbridge in North Bovey
From Susan Morris: I have recently become the volunteer wildlife warden for Teignbridge in North Bovey. I would like everyone to help me in getting a rough number of the hedgehogs in our parish. Could you please email me your sightings giving time, date and location to wfwardennb@gmail.com Thanks Susan Morris
North Bovey Belles Presents….
North Bovey Belles WI presents ‘What Lies Beneath’ From Hunter Gatherers to Round Houses: Recent Archaeological Investigations in the Prehistory of Dartmoor A presentation by Dr Lee Bray from Dartmoor National Park March 14th at 7.30pm in North Bovey Parish Hall Cash Bar Tickets for non members £6 available at northboveybelles@devonwi.org.uk 07904 228035
North Bovey Parish Council – Minutes of the Meeting on 12th December 2023
MINUTES OF A MEETING OF NORTH BOVEY PARISH COUNCIL AT 7.30 PM 12th DECEMBER 2023 Present: Cllrs: E Pollard (Chairman), S Loughton, K Grist, G Ilett, and M Jones In attendance: M Wylie (Clerk) ITEM 1 – Chairman’s Welcome 1.1 The Chairman welcomed Councillors to the meeting ITEM 2 – Apologies for absence 2.1 Cllr Button, Cllr J Jones, CCllr Gribble and DCllr J Farrand-Rogers ITEM 3 – Public Participation 3.1 None ITEM 4 – CCllr and DCllr reports 4.1 None ITEM 5 – To approve minutes of previous meeting 5.1 The minutes of the meeting on 17th October 2023 ITEM 6 – Matters arising 6.1 None ITEM 7 –…